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Checklist ideas for reviewing footage on set

Michael Wilson

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I'd like to get an idea of what the really experienced ops look for when reviewing a shot on set. I sometimes cringe after looking at shots a few days later and realizing immediately how something could have gone better. Obviously their are technical issues like staying level, actors hitting marks, wobbling/bumps but I am looking for more in the realm of fulfilling the director's vision and how to see those things on set. I know this seems pretty subjective and comes with experience, but is their anything you look for on set when reviewing?



Here is an example how I could have made a shot better. I had a shot where I was in a living room and followed a trail of smoke to something burning in a kitchen. From there I walked up a set of risers to follow the "digital" smoke rising into a vent above the stove. After looking at it a couple of days later I realized I should have stayed further from the stove as I followed the smoke up into the vent. It just would have looked more interesting. I wish I would have seen this on set. But the director was happy so we moved on.


Ever have shots where you know something is off and you aren't quite sure what it is at the moment?

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