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Red on Flyer LE

Eric K. Boucher

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Hi All,

I have been asked to fly the RED cam on my Flyer LE, which I have never done before.

I have done as much research as I can but still unaware of what to do/tell them. The shoot is this month [25ht-28th], so I have a bit of time. Its a small/low budget show if they can get me, they can have me do it.


Here is what I know:


Nikon primes are what will be used on the RED [which should reduce weight, relatively].

The PM and Director know we will have the shave any and all excess weight to stay within the 19lbs load of the Flyer LE.

I have made no modifications to my rig.

The biggest set up I have flown is HVX200/Redrock M2e/MicroXflip/Nikon Primes [which comes in between 12 and 14 lbs, incld cam battery and 2 P2 cards]


What I am looking for:

Is it even possible to do this?

Configuration to keep in mind when the time comes.

I really don't want to fly much more than the 19lbs limit [21.5 MAX if that]


Please and and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated!




Talk soon,


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The most recent discussion can be found here, and if you search the forums you're sure to find several more threads. Also plenty of recent and old threads about the weight capabilities of the Flyer/Flyer LE.


Your biggest issues are whether or not to use the Raid Drive, and whether or not you can power the camera without using a battery mounted to it.

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