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Rolling shutter effect while flying a Canon 5D or 7D???

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Greetings all!


I tried finding this exact problem (or potential problem) in a pre-existing post, but didn't see anything. Sorry if I missed it.


I've been looking into shooting video on a Canon 5D or 7D and came across the issue it seems to have with adding the rolling shutter effect to fast camera moves. Now this issue almost never comes up when you lock the camera down on sticks and do a nice slow pan or something. But as I am also considering flying it, I am wondering if this starts to creep into the inherent nature of a steadicam shot. I'm not saying I am going to be running all over the place while recording, but has anyone shot with a 5D or 7D and picked up on anything while moving through interior spaces or locations with obvious vertical lines in the architecture, set design, etc.?


***Also, I know there is a plug-in which can "fix" this unwanted effect in post, but I would love for the answer to simply be: "No. The problem usually doesn't come up to begin with." : )


Thanks very much for any input you may have!

Edited by Eric Southworth
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There's no way you're getting around the issue without simply slowing the movement, sorry... It has a lot to do with physics, and even more to do with the fact that Canon & Co. hasn't really had a good reason to throw lots of R&D cash at the problem. The image processors in these cameras are designed for stills, not so much for video, although clearly they are acceptable. Everyone is eagerly anticipating DIGIC V... It's more pronounced with the 5D (Larger sensor, single image processor) and I'm pretty sure that is the reason there is no 60 fps option when shooting with this camera. Depending on the situation, a whip pan can kill your shot... Don't do it next to a door or window or anything else with pronounced vertical lines in the shot, that I recommend. The 7D has a smaller sensor as well as dual processors, but it's still noticeable here and there. The 1D has the effect as well, there's just no getting around it. Nikon's problem in this arena is totally unacceptable. I can't really blame any of these companies for not making drastic changes, after all the revenue for a full size DSLR as a still camera is in the billions, so why f- up a good thing... The 1D Mark IV for example, is pretty much identical to the 1D Mark III, so much so that we were able to put a Mark IV in an underwater housing for a Mark III and it worked just fine, with some issues mostly software related, (Pushing the buttons perform different functions) not physically. In the future I expect them to start incorporating this look into a more traditional video camera form factor, and at that point I'm sure we'll see some serious improvement with that as well as some of the other issues with these cameras... This is one area where that 2/3" Red Scarlet may be at an advantage. Another problem I've come across especially with the 5D is that it'll skip frames here and there. That I don't like. When bumping it against an object, something impossible to avoid when I shoot under water, I'll lose like 3-5 frames here and there. Very annoying.

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Im not a great steadi operator by any means - a newb - and most of my work in the video below is merlin or blackbird with the canon 5d


I think it is a non issue


here is my 'action' reel

Action Reel


You will see in the car to car the background is severely distorted and also when im in the car shooting outwards - the rest no problem


This is a hendheld video..

Handheld video


You will see in the fast and whip pans the effect may be unnaceptable to some


Bizzarely the worst incedence can be when using sticks on sprung floorboards - a passer by can jello out a shot


and dont film helicopter blades !


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