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starting something new- but Stabilized!


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As my Steadicam jobs are gradually less and less and the total political deadlock and unrest in Thailand is not helping to get any business in, I am also exploring other options: the MONOWHEEL cable camera.


Please have a look at the following movies on YouTube:





On the Red footage you will notice some vibration on the tilt-axis. This was because we only had a short time to test everything (the Libra had to go out for a shooting right after this test.)

and the Libra head was not completely tuned to the camera weight.

Of course this vibration can be eliminated with a proper tuning.


Setup about 1 hour with the proper rigging equipment, we measured a pulling force in the cable of approx. 700 kg.


Notice that the cable has an inclination of approx. 3 meters over a 30 meters length, so 10% inclination. Going up is possible to the highest point, the speed will be lower than going down (with gravity) of course.

Braking of the cable-cam can be very smooth or if needed/wanted very sudden, the Libra will compensate for the swing and keep the angle of the camera constant. When stopping suddenly there is still a swinging motion (the camera physically moves) so that cannot be stabilized as such, but the 2 side-arms will dampen this swinging motion in about 1 to 2 seconds..


I'm happy to give more info about prices and availability on request!



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The first project with this new cable cam was successfully finished last weekend! It was a very challenging shot, a cable length of almost 200 meters through some part of a jungle, over a beach and a river.

It also was a downhill movement, with the lowest part above the river. Though the Monowheel was able to come back up remotely, we didn't want the risk of a motor failure, so we had to make a rescue line that would enable us to pull it up.


After 3 days of rigging and tensioning the 200m steel cable (11mm) to huge tropical trees, we could do the shot at sunset.... all that work for a 1 hour shooting window!


But it worked and the director, DoP and production company were very satisfied with it!

A great maiden trip!








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