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MK-V Lite or V2 Genesis Sled Reviews?

Scott Jason Gill

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I am considering buying a used V2 Genesis or Lite sled. I have an opportunity to get a great deal on either and both are very clean units. I'm curious to hear from ops who've used either or both of these. I am familiar with the past customer service complaints but I have found very little first hand info about the sleds themselves other than from the manufacturer. It is a huge stretch for me to get into these and I don't want to make a mistake. Any experience would be greatly appreciated. I currently use a Flyer-LE but am regularly limited by the 20lb limit.


FYI: I will likely be flying them mostly for live TV, and commercial production work with ENG style cameras and probably on a G50 or Luna Master arm.




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I am considering buying a used V2 Genesis or Lite sled. I have an opportunity to get a great deal on either and both are very clean units. I'm curious to hear from ops who've used either or both of these. I am familiar with the past customer service complaints but I have found very little first hand info about the sleds themselves other than from the manufacturer. It is a huge stretch for me to get into these and I don't want to make a mistake. Any experience would be greatly appreciated. I currently use a Flyer-LE but am regularly limited by the 20lb limit.


FYI: I will likely be flying them mostly for live TV, and commercial production work with ENG style cameras and probably on a G50 or Luna Master arm.



Where are you located? How much are you looking to spend? They are VERY limited in the amount of current you can with them so if you're ever going to run a HD camera they would be a bad choice. The also tend to suffer from Long Post syndrome which sucks. Also MK-V's customer service is well, not the greatest

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I am considering buying a used V2 Genesis or Lite sled. I have an opportunity to get a great deal on either and both are very clean units. I'm curious to hear from ops who've used either or both of these. I am familiar with the past customer service complaints but I have found very little first hand info about the sleds themselves other than from the manufacturer. It is a huge stretch for me to get into these and I don't want to make a mistake. Any experience would be greatly appreciated. I currently use a Flyer-LE but am regularly limited by the 20lb limit.


FYI: I will likely be flying them mostly for live TV, and commercial production work with ENG style cameras and probably on a G50 or Luna Master arm.



Where are you located? How much are you looking to spend? They are VERY limited in the amount of current you can with them so if you're ever going to run a HD camera they would be a bad choice. The also tend to suffer from Long Post syndrome which sucks. Also MK-V's customer service is well, not the greatest


Thanks for the reply Eric. I'm located in Texas and I'm a fairly new op. Looking to spend 7-10k on the sled (w/o monitor). I have to acquire this stuff over time though unless I finance it, which I really don't want to do. Used Ultra or Klassen Vest is first (found both, can't decide). Modifying the socket block/post on my Flyer second. Then the new sled can fly "Nimblecam" style on my Flyer arm with light cams until I can pony up for the used G50 or Luna Master arm. I like that the Mk-V stuff can built up over time (start small and add stuff as I need it). I had not heard about the current limitations, and, I assume, that Long Post Syndrome means I have to regularly extend the post to get the drop time in check?

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What eric means is that the mk-v sled has a long post. Well, thats indeed the case with the 4 stage, but not with the 2 stage. ( i think i know, i owne them both )


Indeed the modulair way is great. You can build or upgrade whenever you like. The had power issues in the past yes, the cable wasnt that great. ( so was the sachtler back then ) but the have improved that with the v3+ cable.

Running HD true the post works, only with live tv wireless stuff you could get in trouble. The signal from the wireless camera gets in the post cable and giving you a hard time. I took care of it using the redbyte and convert it to SD. ( Dont really need hd on my monitor ) I know and hope the are working on a solution.

The costumer service has been very difficult in the past, but seems to be ok now, if i order something i get it fast shipped. I must point out that some ops have personel issues with Howard, but i have decided to step away from all that. I just want to have the right gear and get the support when i need it. if i dont get the support, i move on. I had my troubles with howard, and it took me away to other products. But i decided to talk it out Period, end of story. No double agenda's and no mud trowing on this forum would be nice for a change.


Overall i am still happy with my gear. I have 2 Nexus systems. One with the V2 gimble and one with the XCS gimble. The v2 and the v3 electronics. One with a PRO topstage and one with a Betz topstage. Its all great gear.



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