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FNG gatherings

William Demeritt

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Here's a message to the fellow up-and-coming Los Angeles operators: let's get together!



In March, a bunch of operators got together at Barney's Beanery to do what good Steadicam ops do: drink and talk smack.


Well, about a week ago, we held another gathering, only this time it was at my house in North Hollywood. It was a rather huge success, as you can see:




Some of the veteran operators have told me before that networking amongst ourselves is a critical part of the Steadicam community, not just online. I've experienced that firsthand in hearing my name mentioned as a referral on a list of names by a few producers. Also, I've seen a small circle forming among some Steadicam operators who I'd now call my friends (Grant Culwell, one of the most generous guys I know; Jerry Franck, my death metal brother in arms; and Brian Freesh... he wears a hat a lot... uhm).


As the industry picks up, economy improves, and we all start getting calls for more work, I know I'd love to meet more of you so I can refer you guys some work. The gatherings also give us a chance to discuss what we're seeing on set, make sure we're telling people the same rates, etc. Let's get organized!


So, feel free to drop me a line or participate in this thread, and we'll make sure you get invited to the next FNG BBQ.


Veteran ops in Los Angeles, you'll be welcome to come as well, we're not exclusive.


Here's photos to prove that it did happen.




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