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Wireless tally?

Markus Bauer

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hey guys,

i'm searching for a wireless tally solution. i'm new in live operating with several cameras.

I hava an IDX HD Wave for video and a bartech focus remote. now i'm searching a tally. but i don't know how it will work. which signal is it? do i need a triax-adapter to transmitt my signals to the sng? (i use a glidecam x45 with a sony pdw 700 XDcam)

greetz, markus

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hey guys,

i'm searching for a wireless tally solution. i'm new in live operating with several cameras.

I hava an IDX HD Wave for video and a bartech focus remote. now i'm searching a tally. but i don't know how it will work. which signal is it? do i need a triax-adapter to transmitt my signals to the sng? (i use a glidecam x45 with a sony pdw 700 XDcam)

greetz, markus




The techs on the TV truck will set that up for you on multi-camera shoots.


John A

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The camwave isn't exactly the right tool for the job on live/multicam shows. The microwave systems for that type of shoot typically include an integrated 2nd antenna for camera control which includes a tally signal.


If you can't get production to rent the proper gear, and you still want to use your camwave, you should look at the Air Paint by SkyDreams.tv for a wireless camera control unit. It's incredibly expensive for a 1-time solution though (like in the $10k neighborhood)..


However, the radio-control aficionados around here might know a way to rig up a small tally-only link with a radio chip. It would be camera/ccu specific, but it's not impossible. I can give you pinouts for the common broadcast Sony cameras and ccu's if you need them.


Otherwise you are going to be tethered by either Fiber or Triax, in which case you'll probably be looking for the appropriate flexible jumper.

Edited by Mike Germond
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