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Lentequip Uniblock

Michael Soos

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To my fellow Steadicam Operators,

I would like to bring your attention to a new battery product from Lentequip. It is a NiMH

14.4v, 115Wh, 8Ah ʻVʼ mount battery named UNIBLOCK. What makes this battery

attractive is its price point to weight ratio. Li Ion batteries are great for packing alot of

punch but lack weight to balance our sleds often having us over extend our posts. With

many of us incorporating LCD monitors we loose even more weight to counter the

cameras we fly. In comes UNIBLOCK, a great weight at 3.4 lbs and when you double up

the batteries on a dual mount the weight becomes very manageable at 6.8 lbs leaving

enough room for a third Uniblock battery if required. The closest battery with the same

weight as the Uniblock is the Anton Bauer Dionic 160 but double the price.

With a 2:1 price ratio, the Uniblock makes your purchasing power very affordable to

incorporate the Lentequip charger cost.


Iʼve posted the Uniblock link for your convenience:




If youʼre in the market for an upgrade or looking for new batteries be sure you include

Lentequipʼs Uniblock as part of your research.



Michael Soos

Steadicam owner/operator

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The d-160 (actually closer to 175wh) is really 12ah, weighs the same and has a smaller footprint. Though not really twice the cost of your battery, it is an investment at around $800 each.


The pickings have been slim when it comes to batteries like this. It's nice to finally see some more options out there for a 3+ pound battery with more power (and less$$).

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi Guys,


Just in case you did not know, Anton/Bauer released a DIONIC HCX (120 watt-hour) lithium ion battery at NAB this past year. This battery has a list price of $699.00 and weighs a mere 2.4lbs. Best part, is like with all Anton/Bauer batteries, they can charge on your current Anton/Bauer chargers.


My best wishes to all of you and your families for a great holiday!




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