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V-lock plate connection help

John E Fry

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Hi all,


I'm thinking about swapping our existing Anton Bauer battery plate for a V-lock one. I know this sort of thing is commonly done with different bits of equipment, so hoped one of you might give me some advice.


I have a v-lock plate to mount, but it's the bare plate with no wires already soldered on. The AB had a nice big red wire & a nice big black wire going to it - but where do they go to on the v-lock connector? Can't find the answer on the web so thought this would be the place to ask!


Basically, I need to know which pin is positive and which is negative on the v-lock plate please? And does anyone know what the others are used for exactly (presumably power meter display)?






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Great, that's all I need. Thank you Blake!


Out of interest a chap from Anton Bauer just rang to update me with their new (as of last year) battery range & mini charger/power supply. Sounds interesting for us as ops because the batteries happily run with a 10amp load.


Anyway, if anyone else has any bettery plate swapping advice or cautionary tales do post them, as I'm not quite the engineer/electrical I could be!





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Thanks Jess, we'll be doing that anyway, just wanted to start out with a bit more knowledge. Well, and be aware of any potential difficulties or problems others may have had. All these sorts of things seem simple to start with, but...!

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