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Lake Arrowhead Classic Operators' Night

Peter Abraham

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The Lake Arrowhead Classic Steadicam Workshop Operators' Night

The Tiffen Company is hosting the 5th Annual Lake Arrowhead Classic Steadicam Workshop at the UCLA Conference Center at Lake Arrowhead, CA. We would like to invite the Steadicam community to come up for the Operators' Night. This year it will be on Monday, March 28th. Please arrive after 3:00 pm on that day. We will be glad to see as many of you as wish to make the lovely drive up into the San Gabriel's.


We invite you and a guest to stay for dinner with us. After dinner, we spend the evening socializing and sharing experiences. Garrett Brown, Jerry Holway and the rest of the Instructors look forward to spending time with you. We will have a Steadicam Tango on site to try out- another chance to fly it in case you've not done so yet.


In order to have arrangements in place for dinner, I ask you to RSVP as soon as you know if you are attending. I can be contacted at pabraham@tiffen.com .


Best to all,


Peter Abraham





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Great response already ! We are looking forward to seeing our Steadicam colleagues from the L.A. area. As an added treat, Element Technica has graciously offered to bring one or two of their rigs up for a discussion on 3D. We'll have their discussion as a part of the post-dinner activities.


Let me know by email if you'd like to come up and stay through dinner and into the evening.


Best to all,


Peter Abraham


Director of Technical Services, Steadicam®

GM of Steadicam Workshops





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