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loon works-m-one motor

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I sent two old CP vertical motor for refurnished them....ONE YEAR AGO!!!!!!!!!!!,hundreds of mail and phone calls....Still waiting.

Hi Juan,


I asked Don about this and he was under the impression that these were sent to him on a basis of "fix these if you can when you can" and so they have taken a lower priority than his more urgent production. He also has not received an e-mail this year about this. He is going to send you an e-mail and return the motors in the next week.


Jim Bartell

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Hi Jim:

I asked Don if he can fix(adjust and refurnished) two old CP vertical motor,He answered to me that it was possible,Adela Santiago and Joaquin Ramos sent many mail from our office asking about what was happening with our motors and we didn't receive any mail back.I Love Don but something is happening,may be it was a misunderstood but there is a difference between "no priority" and one year.

I love M-ones motors and normally,until last year,the customer service was really good,I hope that situation will be momentary and we will be able to enjoy greats products again.

All the best my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I ordered my M-One motor in mid-May, and I still haven't received it. The only thing I've gotten is an email in June saying that my order has been processed and approved, with an order number to use to keep track of my order's status. I have sent many emails to multiple Loon email addresses about the status of my order, and have not received a single response. I called the number on the website, and I got kicked to a voicemail box that is full, so I couldn't even leave a message.


I've heard some of Don's story, and I sympathize with him a bit. However, I have a huge job starting on Saturday and I really, really need my motor. There's no way I can keep getting by with borrowing motors from others, especially when this next job is 13 days. Jim, I know you have better access to Don than the rest of us; is there any way you could get this to him?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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i sent a motor to be repaired in december '10 ( i bought many motors from Don) and I haven't my engine back..

I sent many mails, fax but nothing, no reply, no vital sign...

This is unacceptable, I was forced to buy another motor for my work.


I understand the difficulties for the move, but after 9 months ... i haven't words...

I don't see solutions for me, another mail sent 2 days ago... no reply..

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Still waiting a answer.......I started to buy DigiFox with Betz digital motors,but I'm still waiting and answer for my old CP motors,I´m no waiting for receive them repaired I only want to receive them......


I received a response last week from Don Wetzel that new batch of motors was due and will be shipped this week. The first time I have heard directly from him since January. Looks promising.



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