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PRO D-BOX Vibrations

christophe soffietti

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HI everybody, it's a long time I didn't post, but I'm still keeping my eyes over there !


3 years ago I bought a PRO I/II (some parts rebuilded) from Nathaniel MASSEY (Vancouver) and I'm still working with it. It was in good shape after more than 10 years, it has been partially rebuilded after Nath's crash while shooting. The Sled, the energy part and the gimbal have been replaced. From 2 years I begun to feel some vibrations depending on the lens I'm working with, but let's say at the begining the problem was viewable only from the 100mm, and soon, from the 85mm, and now, as soon as I'm doing a quick move or hard step shooting I can feel and see the vibrations (kind of scrambles) even from the 35mm !!! So I can't go ahead anymore like that. I had some email with GPI, but they just ask me to send them the Top-Stage, without risking any helpfull diagnostic. I'm living in Marseilles (south of France) and I only have one Sled, so I want to take the chance of a local and/or self made solution.

If any of you guys owning/owned a PRO one (and I guess so) got this problem can tell me something about that it would be helpfull !!!


PRO-Top-Stage serial N°.67 (if I remember well)

All the best for you all from France.



Edited by Chris Soffietti
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Is this a D-Box 1? If so, the adjustments are made with a threaded rod through a block of plastic. The threads in that block might be coming loose, and if they are, the plastic block would need to be replaced. PRO doesn't have any replacement parts, but there may be someone out there who could make one.

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