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rob are you there?

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hey, im just outside changmai at a thai boxing camp..... harder work than steadicam!


anyway::::: watch out for the samurai gang! no joke! they ve beheaded 200 people in the last few years. there was a drama in the bar last night, some one got shot etc etc broom brrrrooooom....


stuff from movies eh


great place though! , have fun....

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that's funny. i'm actually here working on a documentary on muay thai. we are visiting a few training camps around and outside the chiang mai area. which one are you at? you're not that really tall bald guy at a place called siam #1 are you?

you around here for a while?

rob, will you be around bkk?



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im with a smaller gym. run by a guy called pedro.... spanish


he s cool because he teaches us a lot of techniques that the thais don t normally teach westerners.. namely elbows and knee attacks.


He also teaches us a lot about the weeknesses of modern muay thai and how to use them agaisnt thai s in the ring. There s 2 guys here preparing to fight.


He s very "technique" driven. Unlike a lot of the gyms that are more "technique relaxed" and expect u to learn from trial and error. on the pads and sparring.


he teaches a lot of ancient muay thai techniques mixed in with modern ring fighting... and grappling... esentially what the americans call "no holds barred".


Im spending another week here then heading off, better technique in hand and spend time at other gyms with more time sparring and on the pads.


but right now im ill... and bunking.. ill send u a text

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