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Never Believe in a Call

Stefano Ben

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Today I would like to tell you an absurd call that I received this afternoon from a production company. First of all, I was into this feature low budget production such B Camera and Steadicam. Then... a few days before the shooting starting they called and told me: "We have few money for the B camera crew and Steadicam". "Ok... never mind!" I said... "Can happen! Obviously, you can't say me this, 3 days before the project starting!" So... we had a discussion on the phone about this lack of professionalism!


Anyway... the movie started without me and other people. I know they are shooting now with a DP which he's also the A Camera and Steadicam Operator. :huh:


Now comes the funny thing that happened this afternoon!!!


My mobile ring. It's the production that left me home! I pick up the phone...





P.= Hi! How are you?

M.= All fine! Thanks! What about the call?

P.= Yeah, I'm sorry, but we have a problem here!

M.= What kind?

P.= The DP/Steadicam Operator have left we and the entire film!

M.= Seriously!? Why?

P.= He had some private problems and he went home! Never come back!

M.= So... What do you whant from me?

P.= We would be very grateful if you come in our project!


Well, at this point, I asked more than before for my rate such A Camera and Steadicam. They accepted! The DOP will be another.


I drived my car out the box and I started to put into it all my equipment.


Then..... Few minutes later... The Phone ring!!! :blink:


It's a good friend of mine that he's the 1st assistant director in this project.


F.=My friend (the 1st AD)

M.=Always Me ;-)


M.= Hey Buddy! What's happen???

F.= Yes, Uhm... Hi Steve!

M.= Let me guess... Bad news.

F.= Yeah. You know... I'm not the right person... I should not be me... It isn't my role make the phone calls... but they know that we are good friends, so, they asked me if I could call you...

M.= WTF???????

F.= Unfortunatly... The DP have just call in this moment. And... He's driving to come back.


:blink: :angry:


Now, 2 questions for you:


1) What did you do if you would be in my position???

2) Have you ever met this kind of improvised people???? Or they all comes to me???



One thing it's sure...

Never Believe in a low budget film phone call!!! And if someone call you for... Hope to be in a park with your son or dog with a discharge phone.



Steve (Steadicam Operator with phone out of order today) Ben

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