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RED One on Stedicam Zephyr


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G'day People,


apologies if this topic has already been discussed, i'm new on this forum


I'm currently considering purchasing a Red One MX camera with a 10lb weight, and also just about to place a deposit on a Zephyr


On the same day i was told that this rig would not be appropriate for this camera, With a very basic set up and a wide to standard prime lens


i can not imagine why? it should fall well within the arms capabilities?


I would very much appreciate any comments and personal experiences in regards to this matter




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Dean, welcome to our Forum. Indeed it had been discussed. Please use the search engine and search. Look at RED, Zephyr, and Flyer (the earlier version of the Zephyr). You will find lots on it. In a nutshell, it's the accessories that make the camera weigh a lot more.


Oh, I've moved this to topic to Newbies. Thanks.

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