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Preston fast charger

joe mcnally

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Hello forum

Ive just bought a used Preston kit

It comes with a Preston fast charger.

There is no indication on the outside of the charger to say if it can be used on a 240 volts or just 120v. I wondered if anybody new if this was possible, like a universal charger ?

The input is through a 3 pin kettle/IEC lead.

Many thanks for any help.

Also looking for some power leads for the MDR 1 for this kit if anyone has upgraded and has some to sell

All best


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The guys and girls at Preston very kindly got back to me on this and the answer is yes "Unless you are using an old UHF transmitter, where the battery is integrated into the transmitter (not detachable) you are fine with using the charger on a 240V AC supply. The system is designed to adapt to the different AC supplies."

All best


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