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Recommending a pinned thread

Mark Schlicher

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Since there is an unspoken code of how the Forum desires/expects newbies to conduct themselves, I recommend creating a pinned thread at the top of the Steadi-Newbies sub-forum to make those expectations clear. I believe it would save a lot of frustration and irritation for those who chafe at having to repeat the same advice, and would establish this sub-forum as a welcoming place for the serious-minded beginning professional.

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Lots of forums help avoid the first-post blues by pinning a simple "Before you post, read this" with all of the "Welcome to the EXCITING WORLD of STEADICAM" type of warnings like:


- Use the search function. Your question has probably already been answered before.

- Lurk first, read the content, take it all in, and ask questions only if you cannot find the answer on your own.

- A small community of working professionals contribute here, so try to show a level of professionalism you would when making a first impression anywhere work related.

- Please don't get your panties in a bunch when the gear you were eyeballing is torn apart by the working professionals here.


I'd be happy to contribute a Newbie Warning thread, but I would imagine the moderators could put something up more reflective of what they want new members to read.

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