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Steadicam Pilot Tips and Tricks

Thomas Pykett

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Hello everyone.

I will try to keep this short and sweet, I have already searched the forum a little but couldn't really find any answers.


Recently invested in the Pilot to use with a Canon 5D and 16 - 35mm lens. Hopefully and most definitely in near future I will be undertaking a course and training to really show me what is what.

But until then I wanted to get to know and have a feeling for being a operator.

I invested in the operators handbook and read the primer with the intention of gaining some knowledge to hit the ground running.


But simply feel stumped at trying to achieve dynamic balance (or at least a near enough balance). I have it close but not perfect. With the operating I am gaining more experience everyday but without it be nicely balanced with feel im not really doing myself any favours.


So i'm asking if the experienced operators have any tips or tricks (any help at all) in achieving a nice balance with the canon 5D.

All help is greatly appreciated.

Also If i have missed a thread which answers all my questions but direct me over to that.




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Hi Tom,


it doesn´t care what camera is on the stage. A weight is a weight is a weight, if it´s called 5D, 7D or Alexa.


I think it´s not good to use a zoom lense. It´s possible you get out of balance if you change the focal length. Primes are mostly better!


To achive dynamic balance: Sorry, but read the manual provided with your rig and read the Steadicam Operators Handbook. Both contains information about achieving dynamic balance. Or use the search field of this forum. It´s possible you have to add some weight on the monitor or battery side if you can´t extract them enough to achieve dynamic balance.



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The best tips for achieving dynamic balance are all in the Steadicam Operators Handbook. It just takes practice. When I first started on my Pilot while I was in college, I had a hell of a time getting both static and dynamic balance. Now I can get both in 10 minutes or less on my Zephyr with any camera. Just study the handbook and practice!

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