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Adjusting for lighter camera

joe davies

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The Mini arm is not a very good arm to begin with. Adding a 3-5 lb weight for lighter cameras will maintain the meager capabilities of the Mini arm. Looking at the picture of the arm, I strongly suspect that any spring-based modification will degrade the arm's operation and waste a lot more time than simply adding a little weight.

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Thanks for this Brian, kind of you to go in to detail, and to take the time to post all this, will try all suggestions kindly posted, and let you know the outcome. Appreciate all the notes posted here, it has given me a good insight in to what to look at, and how to tackle things.

I held back from adding this previously as I felt I had no place in discussing it publicly, but the op has since said she is happy for me to add it in to give a clearer picture - the op actually has a physical restriction that only enables them to take lighter loads, they have successfully worked as a camera op for many years and do a great job, but they are a little restricted weight wise - hence the weight concerns.

Will let you all know how the experiment goes, many thanks again.


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The Mini arm is not a very good arm to begin with. Adding a 3-5 lb weight for lighter cameras will maintain the meager capabilities of the Mini arm. Looking at the picture of the arm, I strongly suspect that any spring-based modification will degrade the arm's operation and waste a lot more time than simply adding a little weight.

Thanks for this Mark. I was wondering whether this would be the case. When i first looked at the arm, I was suitably unimpressed by the principles of it's design, but if I can make some use of it for this lady I would be pleased. I'll have a go at the springs as part of the whole experimenting process, but anticipate what you say about the expected non-performance.


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Additional key info: the Mini lacked X-Y arm socket adjustments. Before you sweat a few pounds of camera amyloid, try to address this. Lacking the ability to fly the rig wither body and not her hands, your Op will always struggle to some degree.



Peter Abraham, S.O.C.

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Additional key info: the Mini lacked X-Y arm socket adjustments. Before you sweat a few pounds of camera amyloid, try to address this. Lacking the ability to fly the rig wither body and not her hands, your Op will always struggle to some degree.



Peter Abraham, S.O.C.


Thanks for this Peter, sounds like something else i need to factor in with this unit.


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While this is obvious to more experienced OPs, it is fair to mention a fundamental fact: Flying a 5 pound camera properly with good technique can be done for many many hours- gender and size regardless.


Flying a 2 pound camera with bad or no form and no knowledge of proper operational techniques tends to make one incredibly sore after 10 minutes. I have seen this time and time again in the 2 Day Workshops I teach. Lacking proper form, people come in having bought a Pilot or Flyer with serious pain in the back and neck and legs.


Get some training into the mind and body of the woman you want to operate for you. This is as much about good techique as it is about a 3 pound difference.


Off the top of my head I name a few excellent female Steadicam Operators: Liz Zeigler, Janice Arthur, Sheila Smith, Katerina Kallergis, Wei Pun. This is neither a gender issue nor a body size/ mass issue.


It's an issue of learning The Dance.




Peter Abraham, S.O.C.

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