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New 1 Min Reel

Kyle Fasanella

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I just put together a new reel since I was told my old reel needed some celebrities.


I have issues with length of cuts when going for 1 min. Do you think very quick cuts show experience or more so hint at not so great operating? I also feel I can lose some shots.


Love to hear thoughts. Thank You



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There aren't hard and fast rules on reels--every viewer is looking for something different.


The one thing we do know is that the first 30 seconds is a make-or-break. If you haven't drawn them in by then, chances are they'll be on to the next. If it's good, then you advance to the next level of scrutiny, which means they may watch more before making a final decision to hire you.


Along these lines, my last Steadicam reel had a 30 second montage and then got into more lengthy stuff. It was way too long overall, but the montage was sound enough. I still think that's the best way to do it. I don't particularly care for 3 minute montages because after the first minute of quick cuts, I want to see the kind of choices and operating that go into more complete takes. Five or more seconds of walk and talk to check out headroom consistency and horizon, five seconds of lockoff, fast pans that turn into a lockoff, slow moving shots. All these take screen time. But I think they are very important. It's great if all of the projects you use are recognizable faces but barring that, I don't care if it's a student film if the operating is stellar.


By the way, the shot of the girl in the red dress cracked me up--you'll see why if you check out this 13 yr old clip:



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Thirteen years ago???? I remember stopping by and saying hi to you on that shoot. Seems like yesterday...


I, too, do the montage and then "main body" reel with longer shots. Still try and keep the entire thing to 3 or 4 minutes. That said, my reel is five years old so.....

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