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Good Downconverter

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There are three major brands that are most often used. I have a Decimator 2, and it works perfectly. The Blackmagic miniconverters are the cheapest (I have the HDMI to SDI, and it has always worked flawlessly for me at about $200 cheaper than the competition.) AJA's are probably the best known.


Decimator : http://www.decimator.com/Products/Decimator2/decimator2.html

Blackmagic: http://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/miniconverters/models

AJA: http://www.aja.com/en/products/mini-converters/

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Hello Timothy,


You should know that blackmagic’s down-converter unit’s voltage range is much smaller than decimator’s. I saw in first hand many blackmagic down-converters burn-up because of unregulated power from a hot-off-the-charger battery. That’s why I use decimator2 and very content about it.


I never user Aja down-converter so I couldn’t say anything about it. But between decimator and blackmagic I can safely suggest you should invest on a more versatile decimator.

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