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Free Coherent UHF transmitter for a newbie operator

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Here's a fun little thing!


A little less than a year ago, Dan Coplan offered up this transmitter for free, on the idea that maybe some new operator could use it in their kit. I got it, and used it for a bit in my kit, but I no longer have a receiver for it, and am moving to a nicer transmitter package. So, for a new operator out there, here it is, a free transmitter!


One little note though - since I don't have a receiver anymore, I can't test that it works 100%. The power light on the transmitter burned out. I know it's transmitting, but since I can't verify how the picture looks, treat it as "as-is". But, hell, it's free!


All I ask is that you do what Dan asked of me when he gave it to me - if you get a better transmitter and move on, pass it on to a newbie for free.


It comes with 2 PRO Power/Video to Coherent cables, an antenna, and an attenuator. It's set up for Channel 12.


If you don't have a PRO sled, I'll be more than happy to keep the PRO ends of the cables and give you stripped ends of the cables with a wiring diagram for the power and video lines.


First person to email me at willsvideo@gmail.com gets it.


It'll ship via USPS flat rate box, unless you want to give me your FedEx account number, in which case, it'll ship however you like.


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