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Old Anton Bauer Hytrons and Proformers - dirt cheap!

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Here are a few of my older batteries. I got these with a couple of chargers I bought in October, and they have seen some moderate use.


All are towards the end of their life, but still have no trouble powering an LCD and a Bartech. Great candidates for a re-cell if you need higher capacity.


Good for a newbie’s first round of batteries, and light enough to be very workable on a Flyer or Zephyr.


Available are:


4 Hytron 50’s:

1 − 1.9 AH, good condition

2 − 1.9 AH, good condition

3 − 1.7 AH, good condition

4 − 2.3 AH, Broken screen, otherwise working


4 ProFormers, unknown ratings or life expectancies, all in good physical condition


I can also throw in 1 dead Hytron 50 and 1 dead ProFormer, if you want to get them re-celled.


I’m looking for somewhere near $225 for the whole lot (8 working batteries - that's like $28 a battery!). You pay for shipping, pick them up in the Philly/NYC area, or give me a FedEx account number (preferred).


Feel free to make an offer - I just bought a bunch of Dionics, so I’m ready for these to go.

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$175 plus shipping and these batteries are yours. ($21 a battery!!) Gave a couple of them one more cycle on a job I did on Tuesday, that my Dionics hadn't come in in time for.


Any cheaper than this, and I might as well just donate them to a school or something! Pick them up before I change my mind on selling them!

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