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dc jack size for mini plus lite panel

Iain Baird

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Does anyone know the size and polarity of the DC power jack on the mini-plus lite panels? Every now and then i'm asked to put one on the rig and the electrics don't always have the D-Tap cable. It's time to make my own!!



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Size can be determined with a set of calipers. Handy tool to have in general. Radio Shack also makes cable tip that allows for interchanging of the power plugs on it. Make a cable with that tip on it, and then buy an assortment of different sized plugs. You'll be set for just about anything.


As for polarity, USUALLY the shield is the ground, but not always. Another handy tool that will tell you the answer is a multimeter.

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Thanks Afton, I have a great set of digital calipers that come in handy for all sorts of things - however what I don't have right now is the plug to measure. Good idea about using the interchangeable Radio Shack system.

I start a new job next week and was hoping to have the cable ready by then but if not I'll borrow a cable off of the electrics first chance I get and take the measurements.


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