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NEW 7" Screen ARCHOS!!!

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Hi David,


I checked the page and I have a question.


It seems that the product specification does not mention about record the video just as normal DV AVI file format. I don't like divx, mpeg2 format as the quality will not be recovered in the post production. Do you know anything about that?






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It seems that the product specification does not mention about record the video just as normal DV AVI file format. I don't like divx, mpeg2 format as the quality will not be recovered in the post production. Do you know anything about that?


It's for video assist, not for the production image

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Hi Leigh!


Yea, definitely not for production footage.


It's fairly good quality for what it is but I would certainly not use it for anything other than playback. It's a multi pupose fun little toy.


I'm sure it's not good in direct sunlight but it also might make for a nice backup monitor for indoor use. eh, Maybe....

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