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Nigeria scams

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Let's ignore him. He is really the most stupid potato head i have ever saw on a forum. He keeps telling himself he is right about everything. Just ignore him, and don't do any business with him ( call the FBI  :P )


When he finally refund and bring some sleds back, ( not only talk about it, but do it ) Only then he good be a little more welcome here. Until now, the aversion is growing by the post. What a donkey ( call FBI again  :P ) Loser


Careful, Job, or Steve will be declaring "CHECKMATE" on your ass like he did on mine when I suggested the same thing last year.


I just thought that it was funny that when I pointed out that he was a liar and a thief he responded with "Its none of your business and....and....YOU'RE FAT". Apparently he's as good a debater as he is a technician.


Jim "Snap" Bartell

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don' t be the lying, conniving wimp that I remember you as. Your tactic is to deflect blame onto somebody (or something) else at all costs. You are a coward and a thief and Cinema Products paid the ultimate price by following your failed and costly lead, "Bankruptcy".


PS: Job Scholtze, Every time I read one of your posts the theme song from the movie "Deliverance" comes to mind.


                                          Steve Byro


Regarding the first part of your post....are you talking about yourself or someone else? Because it really seems like you're talking about yourself. Have you finally looked in the mirror and figured out what you really are? I sure hope so.

Regarding the second part of your post.....are you making some kind of threat to Job? It sounds like you want to anally rape him, which seems like something you might do, but I'm not sure why you want to do it to him. I'm calling the FBI so they can sort this all out.

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hahahahaha, this guy is a joke. If you ever come to the Netherlands please call me. I would like to get a beer with you. This is better than comic show.


O and Steve, every time I read one of your posts i have to fart like crazy.


Hee Jim, your wish is my command :P

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