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TB-6 with Duo Frameline Generator and XCS PDL digital level - For Sale

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This was my tried and true monitor for many years and anybody who knows me, knows I keep anything I own in tip top shape and

care for it meticulously. This TB-6 is no different.

It became my "back up" in 2010 when I was doing an HD show and bought an HD monitor.

I would put the TB-6 on for film jobs or on HD jobs when I was outside in direct sunlight


But the time has come to let it go to somebody who wants it and will use it more often than I.


The monitor has always been covered in black tape, not only to protect it from scratches but to minimize reflections, that is why

you see the photoblack tape around it. Same goes for the PDL, but I removed the tape from the PDL for the pictures, so you will see

a bit of tape residue on it, that can easily be cleaned off with some cleaner.


Both work perfectly, never hit the ground.


I will be out of town for the holidays, so I won't be able to ship it until a week or so into the new year, but wanted to post it now in case someone wants a Christmas gift to themselves.


EMAIL ME with any questions, or offers. GoingSteadi@yahoo.com


Have a great, safe and happy holidays all.

Best to you in 2014









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