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Dionic HC long term storage

Dave Chameides

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This is from the HCX manual:

  1. Although lithium ion has good self-discharge characteristics, long term storage in a fully charged condition will result in irreversible capacity loss. This is a problem for all lithium ion batteries – from cell phones to video cameras. Use the battery; do not store it for extended periods.

  2. Batteries should always be stored in a charged state and kept cool. If batteries must be stored for a long period (over 14 days), the battery electronics will enter a “deep sleep” mode, “wake-up” when the battery is picked up, (thus activating its internal motion sensor) subjected to a load, or placed on a charger. It is always a good idea to submit the battery to a discharge/charge cycle from time to time during storage.

I have read that you should discharge to about 40%, then store at 10 degrees C (from another Anton Bauer manual somewhere)


I don't think you should have any trouble if you are storing them for a month or two, especially if you keep them cool and they aren't fully charged.

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