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Painful hip ?

Matt Mouraud

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I've just completed the shooting of a rap clip. Way cool with lots of innovative shots - and very, very intense for me. At one point I was asked by the director to totally improvise the shot with the 2 rappers for the entire length of the song. While this was a fantastic way to improvise it just killed me. Luckily that was the end of the day and nothing else was planned after other than a little party.

The next day I was a little bit stiff but it didn't bother too much as the only shots I had to do were in a wheelchair. Chasing a basketball player in a wheelchair in low mode is way cool, btw. I rested completely yesterday, and tonight I wanted to play a little bit with the rig. Guess what my right hip hurts. It hurts right on the articulation. I'm thinking that I'm still paying for that one particular shot, or is it a pain you guys live with and is common ? I didn't experience it with my first rig though... :blink:

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How does the rig feel when you do "regular" shots? If you don't experience much discomfort after a normal day of operating, it could be normal depending on the extent of your improvisation... I had a show where they asked me to "just go with it" and Dutch my shots at anytime. I gave them all I had.


Letting go and misusing the force can become a strain. Even more painful if you put the rig out there and abandon good habits. While the results may prove to be very dynamic, constantly running and stopping will "F" you up. And to add to it, if you're short on time and do a couple or more full passes w/ little rest, you're done, DUN!!!


You may have also used muscles you've rarely pushed in the past for Steadicam and/or the pain could be from favoring a particular side while you were operating. Someone smarter than me will be able to go deeper into the physics here. I know I was hurting at the end of that day and a few after.


That's why we are considered heroes of our industry. We can accomplish tasks in operating deemed impossible. Even if it kills us like so many heroes before us. Usually, I like to go to the massage parlour for a deep tissue session and have Asian women walk on my back after a day like that. Even if it is a placebo resolution. I just like it when Asian women touch me. Or any woman for that matter...


Good luck, stretch and heal.



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The vest might be the problem,but I suspect that you used muscles that aren't always accustomed to being used in that way. When I have time, I go to Yoga. I always ride my bike or run when I can, just so that the muscles are in shape.

The work we do is physical. The motions torque us even when we use perfect form. We can get injured if we are not careful. A properly fitted vest and well toned body are two good ways to prevent those injuries.

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Since going to the back-mount Klassen, it's improved substantially.


Didn't think to say it, but it is a luxury your body can afford... I, too subscribe to the Klassen vest. Even still, after an uber-strenuous day, I feel beat. Like out of the norm type of uber-strenuous of day. Could be due to the fact that I've got a husky build. But nowhere nearly as beat as I would feel from using my old rear-mounted.


I would go for yoga to be as flexible and in tune with my body as much as possible. I also read in last year's archive and do consider taking a core martial art like Tai-Chi, Pakuban (sp?) or once mentioned but little known, Tsing-Yi. Concentrate on the slow motions in order to execute feathered movements.


Do whatever it takes to soothe your body and prepare it to be worshipped by a masseuse... Or masseur if that's your pleasure. Shake that money-maker, son.

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Go to a few pilates classes with all the dancing girls. Learn about tensing your core muscles so you are able to achieve perfect posture.


Pop your rig on, stand up straight (whilst leaning the whole body back to counter balance the rig) and tense your core muscles pilates style so that your hips back pelvis legs etc are all straight and in line. If the rig pushes away from you pulls in out or any about, its incorrectly set up and you could be causing your self problems. In a pilates straight your rig should sit at your favoured float point.

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How long did you guy's need to get used to the BM vest? tried it 2 times, the first time was terrible, i didn't like it at all.\Now i felt pain in my hips what i never felt before. Second time was better, but still prefer the FM vest. Do i have to try it for a week before i can tell?



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Much the same for me as well, but the trick is the fit, not the number of times you've tried it. It may take you a little time to get used to it from an operating stand point, but in terms of fit, you'll know when it is right. Mostly, that is. After you do long days in it, you will find yourself tweaking the fit (pads & air bladder) a bit more as you learn to fine tune it. But, the major pains should go away the moment you get one that is fit to you. This is why I really do recommend a trip to the shop. It is not only a major purchase, it is your health.

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