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AR Technical Achievement Award

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I feel (yet again) I have to set the record straight. ?The Revolution? system was designed without any knowledge what so ever of ?The Alien? system. 2 1/2 years into the project, I heard here on the forum of Lynn?s wonderful achievements.


***Hello Howard.

In the name of "setting the record straight" I'm curious about a few things you posted in this thread.

When exactly was that? (2 1/2 years into your project I mean)?***





I never saw Lynn?s system or even knew how it looked or worked, until I had a working system my self.


***Again, just out of curiousity, what date do you regard yourself as "having a working system"?***




We then showed each other our systems. I was very surprised when I saw ?The Alien? as it was so Alien, and not at all what I had imagined or done - still very nice though.


***What was the approximate date you and Lynn "showed each other our systems"? So what had you imagined his "Alien" was going to be like or do? And his several year old working

prototype tilted and kept the camera level, as well as the monitor level. It also had a gimbal locking

device enabling you to lock the tilt at anytime as well as disengage the "Alien" function of keeping the image level and returning to a more classical Steadicam feature. How was this different from what you claim

you had "imagined" and "done"?***





***Different needs and cameras? Please explain what you mean by that and how Lynn's "Alien" was invented and designed for different needs and cameras? The Alien was designed for use by Steadicam Operators with all motion picture cameras in mind. Please clarify.***





Also as I had approached the system from a completely different viewpoint, I also had to completely re-design the platform (Sled) from the ground up so it would work the way I wanted it to.


***What was your "completely different viewpoint" you approached the project from? Redesign from

"the ground" up? Please explain since your AR was made to work in conjunction with your MK-V Evolution and work as being adaptable to a PRO2? ***




but the system you see today and I was awarded for is 100% MK-V.


***So you are saying that every piece, design, idea and execution of the AR is 100% MK-V with

no help whatsoever from ANY other person or manufacturer? You didn't look, consult, research, or

receive advise from anybody in the making of your AR or MK-V system it works on? Please clarify.***



Look forward to hearing your responses, thanks. If it's not clear, my questions are enclosed in ***

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It doesn't sound to me like Howard is trying to say he invented the idea, but rarther he has invested blood sweat and tears into developing the system that you see today.

Credit where credit's due.

This thread is about the AR technical achiement award not the history behind two similar ideas.

I'm not saying the history should be ignored but thats a different thread surly ?

To howard and his team congrats.



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It doesn't sound to me like Howard is trying to say he invented the idea, but rarther he has invested blood sweat and tears into developing the system that you see today.

Credit where credit's due.

This thread is about the AR technical achiement award not the history behind two similar ideas.

I'm not saying the history should be ignored but thats a different thread surly ?

To howard and his team congrats.





Congrats for what?


From your post it's apparent that you are lacking in the history of the Alien and the AR's development. Michael is spot on in all of his questions.


The system that you see today from howard has less capabilities than Lynn's Alien, and Lynn really hasn't touched the Alien in the last 4 years, how is that Developing a system that should have credit.


You want to give credit where credit is due it needs to go to Lynn, the Patent holder.

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lets all have a happy new year with many hours of flying :P


The bottom line of that issue is that MK-V gave us an amazing piece to work with,nothing more nothing less.

So what is the meaning of this dispute and how come Mr Nicholson hasnt made his comments about this matter?. :ph34r:




Mike Geranios

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You want to give credit where credit is due it needs to go to Lynn, the Patent holder.


Just to set the record straight (in my case) I give a massive shout out to Lynn ;)

I have massive respect for everybody involved in this industry, and i'm sorry you have misinterpreted my comments.


Happy new year all

And congrats indeed to anybody taking the craft further :)

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Having flown the AR today for the first time at a show here in the UK, it has to be said that the award was well deserved. It's extremely difficult to put into words the many ways that the AR is stunning, but it is. Flexibility of camera positioning, low mode to regular mode in a single sweep, comfort of operating... I for one hope to do some training sometime this year. Apparently it is also possible to still 'dutch' the camera, and temporarily lock off the camera so it doesn't rotate, using a toggle switch. So it literally does everything we're used to, and then some!


I have always been fascinated by Steadicam, and you can't comprehend how much of a genius Garrett is, and I have the utmost respect for him for giving us this weird and wonderful invention that we have the privilege of working with. After today, I have also have much respect for all involved in the development of the AR, which is something completely different. With the next generation of gear arriving from Tiffen and MK-V amongst many, many others, the future is bright for our craft :) (No, I don't work for MK-V, but I would like to buy some of their gear!)

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Howard Smith has been working with the BSC to make sure that Lynn Nicholson is recognised as being directly involved in the on-going development of Steadicam and to hail the AR as a new dimension of equipment.


I, personally am looking forward to seeing Lynn to maybe get some tips and advice on how to operate the AR.


I have been personally working to get the AR seen by all sorts of people, operators, DOP's, Directors and Producers, we all need to work together to educate the creatives so they can understand the potential that the AR brings to the industry both financially and creatively!


The kits great, it works, it's being used in the field! Lets work together and get this party started!




Chris 'Sidekick' McGuire

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Howard Smith has been working with the BSC to make sure that Lynn Nicholson is recognised as being directly involved in the on-going development of Steadicam and to hail the AR as a new dimension of equipment.


I, personally am looking forward to seeing Lynn to maybe get some tips and advice on how to operate the AR.


I have been personally working to get the AR seen by all sorts of people, operators, DOP's, Directors and Producers, we all need to work together to educate the creatives so they can understand the potential that the AR brings to the industry both financially and creatively!


The kits great, it works, it's being used in the field! Lets work together and get this party started!




Chris 'Sidekick' McGuire




Chris, in the interest of fairness and full disclosure, what's your sales commission?

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I will try to make it early Saturday morning.

Will I be able to try it on for a short time ? The Alien that is.

I will call you to see if you are going to be there.

Would you like to set up a demo in central London ? I know a lot of operators who would like to get a closer look.


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