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My experience with TRANSVIDEO


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Right after purchases of the monitor we have noticed, that the glass protecting the screen, fails inside of the case about one of corners. As at various evolutions of the monitor there were handicaps of the image and characteristic sounds were distributed, that inside something dangles. At work in the street at the raised humidity there were additional handicaps on the image. As the LED on the forward panel of the monitor never worked.



Mike has disassembled this monitor and is below shown, that he there has seen and that has been made.


After purchase of the monitor we have noticed, that the glass protecting the screen, fails inside of the case about one of corners. When we have disassembled the monitor have seen, that as the reason for this the nut of the fixing screw, which has jumped out of the body, has served.






DECISION: with the help of the specialized glue we have fixed a nut in its aperture then it was possible to fix protective glass reliably.



At connection of the second monitor or recorder (play back) to this monitor we have noticed, that brightness and quality of the image noticeably fall. In documents on this monitor we saw, that the coordination and an outcome of an input and an output is declared. Appeared, that the input and an output are connected in parallel without any agreeing devices. Is it normal?




Let's pay your attention that in this assembly company Transvideo till now sells this 8.4" monitor. We not so strongly were revolted with these problems, if this monitor would not be production TRANSVIDEO and this monitor would not cost 3651 $ at distributor Dedo Weigert Film GmbH in Moscow (it almost 50% costs of one of last models of car Peugeot).



After carrying out of the mentioned above works and as additional gluing of strips of a bilateral adhesive tape on perimeter of a protective glass, the monitor started to work without noise and there is no problem at various evolutions of the monitor. As now bright red light on the forward panel displays power of the monitor. There was one problem: at switching between various videos inputs the monitor sometimes "hangs" and it is necessary to disconnect it and anew to power.



After studying the monitor 8.4" we were frightened and have disassembled 5" the monitor. It appeared is produce much more accurately and better, with it at us never arose problems and we till now successfully use it. As it is possible to notice, that all directors were dissatisfied with the monitor 8.4" and preferred to use other monitor with higher resolution. At this monitor really very low resolution for such sizes.



This document is not an anti-advertising and is not directed against the company, as we like production Transvideo and we continue it to buy and use, and we shall use only production of these company, as we are and shall stay admirers Transvideo, but we wanted to show our supervision to other users. This document should not be criterion at purchase of the monitor, as it simply our supervision.


If it is interesting to you, look more on TRANSVIDEO-gavno


Best Regards,



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