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Onboard recorders for Dummies - a question

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I want to start off by mentioning I have been through the archives. I have a pretty good idea about onboard recorders, but I want to be clear so correct me if I'm wrong:


Onboard recorders are accessories you put on the rig to record shots as you operate. The footage can be used for immediate review, review after the fact, and/or for demo reel footage. The footage is for the operator only - pointless for anyone else.


I'm guessing that with video cameras, footage can be used for demo reels, but with film cameras it can't because you're pulling off video taps which show ground glass lines and are pretty crappy quality?


I've read about a number of units and formats (miniDV, mpeg4...Archos, iPod, Aviah, Lyra, etc.), but many of the posts are a couple years old.


What is the current consensus on makes/models worth considering? If I get a cheap camcorder, is it easy enough to find someone to supply proper cabling for power/video or is that a significant issue to consider?




Dan Coplan

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Hey Dan,


You are spot on with your findings! I use the Archos 420, which does the trick for me. But I know alot of ops still use the minidv format. Cables must be custom made for either recorders, as well as the option to power the recorder off your rig, if you want that (recomended, unless you like having even more batteries to worry about). For the camcorder option it is also possible to do a hardware mod which can run/stop in sync with the camera.


Hope this helps some...


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