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Feedback on Reel

Afton Grant

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I finally tracked down enough footage to put together an acceptable demo reel. Perfect, it is not. I scalp a few people and lose my horizons a couple times. With time and practice, hopefully those will be diminished.


On a related note, it has often been recommended to get your famous faces displayed early in your reel. In my case, the musician Robert Cray is the only famous face I have, however, the shots for that shoot were not incredibly spectacular. Did I make the right choice by having better looking shots take priority to notoriety?


Be honest, be brutal. All advice is greatly appreciated.





Thanks very much,


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Be honest, be brutal. All advice is greatly appreciated.


Hey Afton.

I'm going to go into critique mode here a little.

You shots sometimes seem to drift in and out of composition. Sometimes this can be a nice effect but on the hole it's not desirable.

On shooting staircase sequences it's good pratice to keep headroom constant. this can be done by booming and tilting down as your actor drops the first stair. To finish you need to time tilting up as the actor hits the last stair, then as you hit the last stair tilt and boom up into your original operating possition.

Did that make any sense ?

I hope so :ph34r:

Nice music BTW.


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Lots of good stuff in there!


However, there are also a number of moments that are a bit rough, and my recommendation would be to trim those out. Such as: there's a nice shot that rotates around a woman in a warehouse exterior location which is good, but then once you come to a stop the horizon wobbles, so I would just trim off the end. Basically, to keep a shot on the reel with less-than-desirable framing or horizon, it had better be exceptional in some other way.


I think you could (and probably should) pull out maybe 2 minutes of material; don't worry about your reel being long enough as a result as it is more important that everything on it be tight.


Made me a little homesick to see all of those Boston locations!

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Thanks much guys.


The drift that Matt referred to is definitely something I disliked the most about watching some of this footage again. That, along with the headroom and horizons will hopefully come with time and practice. And yes, Matt, your advice on stairs made perfect sense.


Per Charles's suggestion, I cut out a bunch of footage (I could probably still lose more), and I do agree it is a tighter reel now.....although it did COMPLETELY mess up my timing to the music..!!! ha. By the way, Charles, just this past week I made the full move to NYC, so I've got a case of the homesickness too.




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