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Frameline generators

Dan Coplan

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I'm on the fence about getting a frameline generator - they're quite costly. I don't yet know what kind of shows I'll be working on and what kind of cameras I'll be using.


If the majority of you tell me it's essential, I'll simply get one, but if the feedback is that sometimes they're used, sometimes they're not, then maybe the smartest thing to do is hold off until I need one?


Thanks for any feedback/recommendations.


Dan Coplan

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Dear Dan,


For video work, framelines are handy for 4:3 and 14:9 safe when shooting in 16:9, though you can output the safe areas from the camera as well--if you are familiar with the camera menus--so they are by no means essential.


For film work, I'm not qualified to offer an opinion, but I guess they are essential. I look forward to hearing the opinions of more experienced operators on this.





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Whenever I shoot 16:9, I also use the frameline generator to flag up the 14:9 safe zone, it also helps to have a definate frame to concentrate on when moving with the rig, and helps me constantly maintain a well framed shot (expecially useful for dialogue, or 'walk and talk' shots, looking space for people etc)


Although with the current breed of HD cameras, you can normally access a good frameline / cross from the 'test out' BNC


I don't find it essential to have a frameline generator, but it can be handy to have, and I more often use it than not.

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For film work, most of the newer camera´s (435/SR3/Arricam with IVS, newer CEI models) have a video-assist with integrated frameline generator, making the use of an external generator less needed. But when you do a lot of work for low-budget you are likely to get a camera with just a plain video-assist.


For special occasions, it might be useful to make an extra box when the subject has to be in a certain place all the time, like windows in a full screen.

Or it can help to keep the horizon on a certain level.


but to be honest, I rarely have used like this.

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You ll probably end up getting one simply for the digital level (marell bubble/framelines) which can be very useful but framelines themselves..... well you will use them all the time if you have them, the dotted lines are easier to use than the intergrated camera framelines, but it really is no skin off your nose if you don t have them so don t stress about them until you have the money. That $1200 would be better spent on promoting yourself.



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