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Inside Man.. the movie...

Marc Abernathy

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I've known Steve a long time, or rather to be fair, knew him a long time ago. Haven't spoken to him in quite a few years. A careful technician with an excellent eye.


I've seen the film twice this week, believe it or not. Having enjoyed the HELL out of the story the first time, I got to pay attention even more to the camerawork and lighting second time out. My son ( always looking out for a Steadicam shot on my behalf ) commented on some hand-held work. The specific choices leap out. Hand held serves where nothing else would have in some key scenes. It appears to me that there's a lot of Technocrane, judging from the straight-line moves in and out but again, that may not be right.


Excellent complex and quick Steadicam work- but one of my fave shots is one of the most delicate I saw. Steve tracks over Jodie's shoulder as she is shown in to see Christopher Plummer the first time in his office. It's played as a straight tracking shot, then hooks left and settles. It's a gentle bit of work, and favors slight adjustments to go with Plummer's reactions.


There are two of Spike's trademarked "travelling Man On Dolly With Camera Locked and Background Moving Away shots. One seemed gratuitous, the other was more impactful.


Sometimes our best stuff is cut to bits and we mourn the lost great long elegant moves that were destined to wind up on our reels. This film was built and made into something great in edit. There are sequences that are banal, and sequences that sing. Frequently- as is the case with the sequence where the hostages are moved downstairs and stripped of phones, keys and ( withouth giving away too much ) other things, there are quite a few big quick Steadicam moves that are cut up. Man, does it help build tension and serve the scene. Had it been choreographed into what we sometimes have to do- one long boring orgiastic shot rife with dead spots but no edits- it would have died. As it is, it's an electrifying sequence. Makes one appreciate WHY some of the shots we as Operators adore, are cut up.


Peter Abraham

New York

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nice words peter,


i really enjoyed the story and the operating. the editing was stellar as you mentioned.. one of my fave shots of Steadi was when she (jodi) went in the gentlemen's room and down the steps to meet up with mr plummer. i would imagine that was DJ? then the edit cut to her walking in the room was timed precisely! i cant wait to get it on DVD. this is definately going on the PSP!!


it was good to see a project with spike and denzel again...

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Thank you to everyones kind words about my work on Inside Man. I have heard from many folks about the movie and it really is heartening to know that my peers appreciate my hard work. The shoot was a real dream for an operator. I indeed did all the Steadicam and handheld work. The idea was to shoot all the scenes outside the bank handheld to convey a chaotic feeling to Denzel's world and everything inside the bank with Steadicam to show Clive Owens' cool calm nature. There are a smattering of Techno shots, but we did the majority of the work on Steadicam. Spike really likes to move fast so even close up coverage (including a 150mm shot circling Clive at his desk) were all Steadicam. My kudos to my focus pullers Aurelia Winborn (A-camera and all handheld work) and Tim Metivier (Steadicam focus puller), they did a near flawless job with focus and made my shots look great. Spike was great and really gave me the opportunity to shine. Thanks again for the kudos!!


Stephen Consentino

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stephen, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to come and post! its not often operators come and do that and i for one am pleased to see you post! your work was very nice and i look foward to seeing more of your work.



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