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Speed control in the Follow focus


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Hello guys,


I have a question. Is posible to vary the motor speed in the Bartech or other follow focus systems when the focus puller rorates the focus dial, or only the motor goes at its max speed all the time?


Thanks a lot of. Manuel


Hi Manuel,


The motor attempts at all times to match it's position to the position of the knob on the transmitter. If you turn the knob slowly, the motor moves slowly. If you turn the knob fast, the motor moves fast. It's that simple.


If you are trying to make a slow speed move, like an iris change, try shortening the range of motor travel when calibrating to just the portion of the lens that applies to the shot. Then the entire knob rotation will only move the motor the desired amount. This effectively limits the motor speed by decreasing the the amount of motor movement versus knob movement.


Jim "getting a little slower every day" Bartell

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