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Bantam Dolly. ever used one???

Mark Rimmer

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Hi all

I posted this in Newbies (cos that's what I am), but this forum seems more appropriate. I've got a job on Friday, the shot is a profile of a guy running, and the producer tells me they have a Bantam dolly. I've been advised to hard mount the rig on the tripod using barracudas (I think that's what was said) and a flat plate, but I'm not entirely sure what that means.

I reckon I could work out what to do when i get on set, but I'd rather look Kool and the Gang by knowing what to do straight away, than scratching my head till i figure it out.

it's a low budget student film, so i can't rely on the grips to know 100% what they're doing. so I'm crying out to you experts. Help please!

Mark Rimmer

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Hi Mark,


Don't know nothing about your Bantam Dolly and found nothing on the Internet but it's Bazookas and not Barracudas.


A set of Bazookas looks like that :




And the "flat plate" is probably a Mittchell Base and it looks like that :




it's the version with levelers that I recommend to ask for, without the levelers it can be trickier to get the whole set up to behave nicely.


And on top of that in order to mount your arm you will need a Vehicle Mount (aka "Garfield") from Steadicam, GPI, Jerry Hill, Walter Klassen, MK-V or ...

For example mine from Jerry Hill looks like that :




But your arm must have the standard socket block and I don't know if it is so as you didn't told us what is your equipment...


I hope it helps and I strongly suggest that you prepare everything with care.

In our job most surprises are not good surprises...



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Thanks Kareem

what the DoP had referred to as a Bantam dolly was a basic Panther dolly with rubber tyres. and the bazookas and flat plate i asked for didn't materialise in the end, due to budgetary constraints. So, in the end I was operating from the vest, while sitting in a small box trailer being pulled behind a station wagon!

Still, we got the shot as perfect as i could have hoped for on the 2nd take, and the only problem with the first take was that the actor's final position was too close to camera.

But thanks anyway! I'll know what to do next time someone points a bazooka at me. :)


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