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Induction day

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I attended this introductory training day for the A-R, and thought it would be worth while posting about it, for the benefit of everyone interested. I own and operate a Master Series rig, and I attended the day to increase my skills, experience and open up more work opportunities for me, and at the same time learning huge amounts from both Chris and Howard.


I very much enjoyed the day; for me, I went into the day with 2 main aims: to understand the technology / setup / mechanics of the system, so that I could physically setup and operate it, and to understand and experiment with what is / isn't possible to achieve. It is neccessary to dissemble / reassemble / balance the AR several times in order to fully comprehend the cabling, parts of the system, their function & positions relative to each other etc. (In the same way to a steadicam workshop, where the one of the most fundamental parts of the workshop is this very process - not only does it help to understand the technology and components, but also the importance of correct setup, balance etc)


As a system, it is very much different to operate than a steadicam, and I learnt quickly that this just isn't steadicam, it is a completely different tool, and way of moving the camera. Headroom is something that takes a huge amount of work and anticipation. Navigation of obstacles, spacial awareness is something else - knowing where the camera is in relation to objects takes more getting used to, due to the different position of components. Also having the batteries out to one side of the body is something which takes more getting used to - very strange at first.


The most interesting and eye opening part of the day was making a comparison with the rig I'm used to operating (Master Series) Intriguingly, the AR/Nexus rig, with batteries, Transvideo monitor & rings without a camera weighs only 3lbs more than a Master rig with 5" CRT, PAG battery, without camera. This certainly surprised me - the AR looks like a hefty sled, with its typically long post and bulky looking components. The fact that it weighs comparatively so little is a great example of good design work, and progress.


Just thought I'd post my thoughts on the day, and the kit. Yes, the A-R is a new technology, but it is a fascinating new way of moving the camera and it is sure to be a big success, as it gradually becomes more widespread. I've very glad to have attended the first training day and privileged to have future access to the kit. As I said earlier, the eye opener for me was that the A-R really is a different tool compared to steadicam, and requires a different style of operation compared to what I'm used to. Thanks to Chris and Howard for their efforts and patience in teaching us and spending time to get us up to speed with the A-R. Now I'm comfortable with setting up the rig and basic operating, I'm looking forward to working with it over the years to come. It's a privilege to be a part of the A-R team in the UK!




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