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Visually Impaired Operators

Rob Horne

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Good day to one and all.


first off I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who takes part in this forum, the information and advice i have recievd has been invaluable.


About four months ago I purchased a Steadicam Flyer and have been practicing when ever i get a spare waking moment. It is such a challenging but rewarding discipline. I love it more each time i use it.


Unfortunately a couple of weeks ago I had an accident that has left me blind in my right eye. I was wondering if there has been or is any visually impaired operators working. I Would like to think that my career is not over before it began but i am a realist and appreciate how important preferential vision is when operating.


If anyone can help I am extremely grateful.



Best regards


Rob Horne

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That is horrible. My heart goes out to you. Yes, look to Nicola for inspiration; he was Vittorio Storaro's operator for years and is now a DP. I'm not sure how long he has been without vision in one eye (i.e. since birth, etc). Obviously, growing up this way would force you to adapt from day one and you'd never know otherwise. I'm guessing it will take you a long time to adapt fully, but running around with a Steadicam just may speed this process up considerably.


Good luck and please keep us posted.

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Good morning , Rob !

It is terrible but You life is continueing ! I wish You to adapt and to work successfully ! I know a few persons with the same problems as your's and they works ( and in operating too). For the first time it will be very hard to analise the distance to subjects and later it will be easier.

Be carefull!


Best regards,

Andrey Yazydzhi , SOA , Russian steadicam operator&instructor,



+7 903 7406481.

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Sorry to hear that Rob. But as stated before, Nicola did operate with just one eye. Send a message to Garrett, he knows Nicola very good, and has spent a lot of time with him. He'll probably be able to give you some good advice.



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