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I think I need a Gimbal and a handle

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Ok Here it is I do not have a lot of money however I am interested in steadicam, and since I can not afford to buy a whole rig I was thinking of making one so that I can get practice and possibly get good enough to be hired as a steadicam operator someday..........


However I think that making the gimbal and handle are going to be the hardest part so I thought maybe I could get some advice on what kind to affordably buy or make.


I apologize if my vague question was inappropriate.


I hope that this helps out.


Edmund O.

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AH, now i get it. Well, i would like to suggest to take a look at THIS link. Its the homebuilders website and you will find lots of info about building your stuff. I think charles will jump in here.


Very cool site btw



Thanks Job for the PR. I was thinking about it Job but I personally don't make it a habit of PR'ing the HBS site or forum on this board. If someone else does, then it's okay. :) Once I'm here I tend to stick to what this board is catered towards. I think it's more professional that way. Also, I think it gives HBS more respect from a sideline perspective. Don't you think? :) I've had operators, including Garrett ;)(sorry I couldn't resist) tell me that, they liked the HBS site and forum and more. I don't think it gives anyone a sense of false info. At least I hope not. :rolleyes:

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