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Sun protection?

Dan Coplan

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I'm about to do two weeks in Mexico and I'm a bit sun sensitive. Wondering if any of you have good ideas for protecting head and neck while avoiding looking like a dork. It's the Miss Universe pageant and I have to look nice for the ladies.


I have a big, floppy hat but the sun still manages to fry my neck.


Also, if you have any suggestions for long sleeve shirts and pants that I'm not going to be miserable in.





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I'm about to do two weeks in Mexico and I'm a bit sun sensitive.


Hi Dan, after being diagnosed with melanoma six years ago I pretty much became a sunscreen and protection nut. It's not a diagnosis you'd ever want to hear so I suggest you get over the looking stylish part. Three major sunburns (blisters) in your lifetime increase your chances of skin cancer by 50%. Men are primarily prone to skin cancer on the neck and torso, while women are more prone to arms and legs. However, you can get it on the bottoms of your feet as well. I urge everyone here to learn what the ABC's are for skin cancer symptoms. It usually isn't a big hairy mole; mine was little more than a flat 4mm "sunfreckle" that my physician blew off as such for five years! It left a six inch scar on where... my neck where it meets my chest.


The big brim hat is great, they're dorky but so are stitches, IV's and hospital gowns. Go online and search out the various SPF rated sunwear and clothing; kayak and canoe shops or places like REI are a great place to start. Most of it is vented well and they look like a Columbia hiking shirt. Not all are created equal though so do your homework. On the super dork side the old Legionairs cap with long back and side flaps works well but the farther you get away from a camel the dorkier you look. They're easier when operating a camera than the big floppy hats though.


I finally found a suncreen product that works and it works perfectly for camera ops. It's completely unscented, is water based and so far for me has never caused a breakout or skin allergy... and I use a lot of it. The great thing is it's not oily / greasy and you don't smell like a pina-colada; unless of course Jim Bartell spills his drink on you. :o


Coppertone - Oil Free - Waterproof Sunblock Lotion is available in SPFs 8, 15, 30 and 45. Available at any CVS / Walgreens and most grocers.


My preference is the SPF 15 and to reapply often but I also take measures to cover up or stay shaded. The SPF 30 is industrial but a little thicker and takes a few more rubs to get it worked in. Neither leave a pasty look but I still use a dry towel to sort of wipe down after application. Don't forget your ears! Carmex lip balm is good too and don't forget to get a good pair of REAL UV protected sunglasses.


Check your skin, your partner's and your friends and don't be afraid to say something; you could very well save their life.


Off my soapbox now....... Enjoy your project!

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Hi, Dan.. . Five years ago, I was working along 7 moth at Rep. Dominicana...The sun, and to sweat is your worse enemy.... I´ll consult to my girl friend (she´s make-up)... For a sun-protector... Me use a coppertone grade21... You know..when you´re working... you forget all... The best for me ...is drink, and drink watter.... (I don´t like drinks of dessing issoo.. tonicc... brrrrr... watter is naturaly the best)..and be at a long shadow with 2 girls and TEQUILAS, any way.....

put a cap.

Good luck

NB. And if you´re workinkg with miss universe... the hot hot hottessss....isn´t from the sun... protect other parts of your body.... :unsure:

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  • Premium Members
I'm about to do two weeks in Mexico and I'm a bit sun sensitive. Wondering if any of you have good ideas for protecting head and neck while avoiding looking like a dork. It's the Miss Universe pageant and I have to look nice for the ladies.


I have a big, floppy hat but the sun still manages to fry my neck.


Also, if you have any suggestions for long sleeve shirts and pants that I'm not going to be miserable in.






Dan your just rubbing in the fact that your going to work with 6 foot tall goddesses . . .LOL . . . .

remember to put the sunscreen on the front of your face and neck since you'll be looking up at the girls more often then down at your monitor . . .LOL . . . .


Buen Provecho . . .LOL . . .

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