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Los Angeles Steadicam Flyer Workshop

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Morning Folks,


We will be hosting a Steadicam Flyer Workshop at the Tiffen Glendale facility in late June, JUST after the CineGEAR show. The dates are Sunday and Monday, June 24 and 25, 2007. To maximize rig time, the group is limited to 9 students. Tuition is $ 500.00, pre-paid. We will have 3 Flyer systems on hand. I will be the Instructor. I've been a Steadicam Operator for 20 years, and a Workshops Instructor for 17.



To learn more about the Steadicam Workshops program and to reserve your slot in this and all other Tiffen-hosted Steadicam Workshops, please visit the website:




Anyone with any questions is free to contact me at : peter@TheSteadicamWorkshops.com


Keep an eye out here as well as on the Workshops website- Steadicam Flyer Workshops are being scheduled across the United States and Canada for the coming year.


My best to all,


Peter Abraham


Director of Technical Services

The Tiffen Company

Steadicam Owner/Operator/Instructor

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