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M1 Nanophosphate batteries


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I read an article in the latest "Popular Science" that talked about a new battery technology that promises increased energy density, longer lifespan and faster charge (80% charge in 5 minutes) than Li-Ion. It is already available in DeWalt power tools.


Worth looking into.




Jim "Now you know what I read in the bathroom" Bartell

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are you going into the battery business. I'll take some in an Anton Bauer configuration please. Maybe a few chargers as well.


Bill Brummond

Sorry, Bill, not in this lifetime. I just wanted everyone to know about this to keep an eye on it. Depending on how they are priced, they could make regular Li-Ion obsolete pretty quickly. I'd hate to see someone dump a truckload of $$$ into batteries that are obsolete overnight.


I've always felt bad for someone who saw the prototype BFD and sadly stated 'And I just paid $6,00 for a Seitz".


Jim "Mr. Empathy" Bartell

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To hell with Steadicam, sounds good for next-gen plug in hybrids!


(just watched "Who Killed the Electric Car"...oy).


That is indeed the application everyone is looking at. Particularly attractive is the 5 minute recharge (almost as fast as filling your gas tank).


I saw the Tesla electric sports car at the Beverly Hills car show a few weeks back. I mentioned this to the company rep and he pointed out that the battery pack is a removable module so if a new battery technology comes along they can retrofit it when the original pack wears out.


Jim "and I just bought a Mercedes" Bartell

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  • 2 years later...
  • Premium Members

Browsing internet I came across the new 28 volt batteries/chargers with this technique from Dewalt and also Milwaukee. This looks promising: one battery that can supply my 435 and (with downconverter/regulator) also my 12 volt cameras....


And the price.... seems a good deal compared to Dionic 90's , on Ebay about $140 for 2, charger @ $30


Anybody tried this already? I guess, if it can power heavy duty power tools, a 435 on 150 fps should be possible too!


I would love to hear more about this.

Not that I can buy it now in Thailand...... transport restrictions...... :angry:

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