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master sled monitor bracket


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Hi Matt,

I have exactly the same prob with my Master as well. Its a right pain in the ass it works loose quite quickly and before you know it the monitors moving only slightly but enough to throw the rig off. I had my arm looked at the other day and I mentioned this problem. The engineer suggested unscrewing the allen key adding a little lock tight glue and then screwing it back in. I have yet to do this but as it does not effect the moving of the monitor for low mode I don't see a problem........


I await to be shot down on this one, but untill then it looks a viable option.





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This is a common problem with the original 4" / 5" CRT monitors and the 'half moon' mounting rails. Over time, thing do work slightly loose, and from time to time, vibrations do start being visible on rushes.


The best solution is to go with a Marell monitor mount, and mount your monitor with a spigot. Marell sell a plate that attaches to the bottom of your CRT monitor, which will allow you to mount it to your sled in the same way you might mount an LCD monitor with a spigot.


It provides a much more satisfactory, solid mount, and also makes things a million and one times easier when swapping monitors, or stripping down the rig - it is hard work to attach / detatch the Hirose power/video pigtail with the half moon rails always getting in the way - it isn't a quick or easy task, but if you were to go with the Marell mount, you can swop monitors quickly and easily in the field if neccessary.




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