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Stolen Preston

Rick Drapkin

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Hi All


Tonight,saturday sept.15 at 7:30p.m. somebody smashed the rear window of my bmw x5

which was in my driveway in front of my house.They stole my preston fiz with 3 motors,zoom control,hand unit,4 batteries,triple cables of everything,hill brackets of all kinds.A real big violation!!! I went into my house for a few minutes ,but I know for sure that the preston was completely covered by a black jacket.From the time I heard my dog bark and me running out the door to the front gate was 10 to 12 seconds.I heard the car screech around the corner.


If anyone gets an offer to buy a preston microwave and preston parts,please let me know.I already filed a police report.My number is(818) 261-6977.



Thank you,


Rick Drapkin

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Oh that sucks...


Sounds like an inside job... who knew that you had your Preston in the car, or that you lived there...


Post as soon as possible all the serial numbers. Let Howard know and also post it with PERA.



Sorry to hear that... been there. That Suuuuuuucks.



Good Luck,





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Here are the serial numbers for my preston:


Hand unit # 2161 Transmitter # 49224


MDR # 1332 Transeiver # 1198


DM-1 motors # 1111, 1112, 2048


Microforce # 60770


Preston charger 4 Batteries


6 motor cables,2 each power and run cables for every camera


4 preston arms 2 with 15mm, 2 with 5/8 panavision


3 Hill Pam brackets with 15mm and 5/8 inserts


12 focus rings


3 .50 wide 32 pitch gears, 48 pitch,64 pitch,Zeiss2.1 and 1.4 gear,2 40p, 2 50p, 2 60 p


2 pro power cables, 2 Hard wire command cables (50 ft.)


2 microforce to Hu cables

microforce to hand unit bracket


Hand grip, Neck Strap , Purple and Orange Innerspace case



Replacement value $ 32,000.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Ramon,


My insurance covered everything. The biggest problem is supply. Preston will not have any hu-3's ,mdr2's,or motors available for about 6 months. That's what really sucks. I could have put the complete fiz on a 5 month feature or a tv show for 9 months. When you lose out on a guarenteed rental of

$900 . a week for 9 months,can you say," OUCH MAN !!! "





P.S. If anyone out there doesn't have insurance, you should get it. Walter Dolle Insurance in Ohio, has been really good to me. They get their policy through Fireman's Fund . Replacement is what todays fair market value is. :unsure: http://www.steadicamforum.com/forums/style...ault/unsure.gif

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I could have put the complete fiz on a 5 month feature or a tv show for 9 months. When you lose out on a guarenteed rental of $900 . a week for 9 months,can you say," OUCH MAN !!! "


Some policies have a provision for loss of income due to a covered loss. I'm not sure if it would apply in your case or if you have that type of coverage but you might check since they may not volunteer it. Maybe they could cover a subrental for you?


If anything the loss of income provision was pivotal after my helicopter crash in that it forced the insurance company to settle in a more timely manner since I had jobs booked the following week. They (Hartford) wanted to send the gear, lenses and camera body in to see if it could be repaired after the recovery divers retrieved it.... from twenty feet of salt water... .right!

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Hi Robert,


Thanks for that advice.I'm going to call them today and check on that. The rental that I'm losing,would match what the loss of the whole system costs to replace. $ 32,500. or there abouts. thanks again.



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Hey Rick glad to hear WPD is doing their job. I have the loss of Rental Rider Robert mentioned. I haven't had to use it but it was cheap. The basic rider only covers upto $10,000 in loss of rental income if I remember correctly.

I still think it was an inside job.

Good Luck.




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