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Help!! Need to hire rig in asia next week pronto please!

David Hughes

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Hello all.

Need a rig in Seoul, South Korea for a few as yet undecided days in the middle of next week, is there anyone out there who can set me up in the area. If I can't hook up with anyone locally then I will have to ship my rig and I am reluctant to do that for a 2 day shoot, I hate filling out insurance claims and would rather remove myself from the risk and Hire locally. The producer reckons that the 5 local ops that operate there want £1500 PER DAY!!! for the hire of some unknown rig probably an efp or some other poorly maintained piece of junk, Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that what the Top ops in the U.K. and elsewhere charge for rig with labour per day? and these guys want it for only kit rental Looks like I'll have to risk the airports of asia with my beloved rig.

Optical support will hire a full on Pro kit for £600 per day so this is crazy talk surely.


Keep my rig out of the hands of the baggage handlers. (will also help with the ole carbon footprint as well)

If anyone knows of any indivuals or compaines in the region could you please give me their contact details.


Thank you again steadicam forum you are the greatest.


Edited by David Hughes
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I am not familiar with any operators and rigs in Korea, but i did do a shoot in Shanghai and found that of the 3 rigs available at three different rental companies, there was not one that worked. at the end I had to build one working rig out of these 3 (master, IIIa, EFP)

Follow focus: nearly unusable, specially in the cold and not wireless.

and so on, and so on.....

I managed at the end something workable.


so it is up to you if you want to be sure that it works:take your own stuff with you.


Regarding the high prices: in many asian countries the daily operators fee is very low compared to USA or europe, but we have to pay the equipment at the normal price, returns are very low and take a long time, specially if you need repairs.

Import of this equipment is often very highly taxed, spareparts too, and the shipping costs.


1500 US$ is too high, i agree, but working in cheaper countries is not automatically cheaper for foreigners.

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Hi Dave,

Instead of shipping your rig, you could go "Amazing Race" style and check your cases as regular luggage on your commercial flight. My insurance already covers my equipment in transit, and I usually fly with a group and each crew member will check one of my cases, thus eliminating excess baggage or shipping charges. I have had pretty good luck with this system. If you fly Air France, they have a 32 kilo maximum on each checked piece.







Hi David,


Why don't you take your equipment? Take fewer cases as possible and make them as heavy as possible. Insurance is a must!




London & Tokyo

Edited by JohnPerry
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Hi Dave,

Instead of shipping your rig, you could go "Amazing Race" style and check your cases as regular luggage on your commercial flight. My insurance already covers my equipment in transit, and I usually fly with a group and each crew member will check one of my cases, thus eliminating excess baggage or shipping charges. I have had pretty good luck with this system. If you fly Air France, they have a 32 kilo maximum on each checked piece.







Hi David,


Why don't you take your equipment? Take fewer cases as possible and make them as heavy as possible. Insurance is a must!




London & Tokyo

In november I have a chance to work in Ukraine . My complete steadicam consists of 6 cases and 130 kilos in total . Russian and Ukraine aerolines have only 20 kilo maximum on each checked piece . (!) :blink: And I flied without any groop ...

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True....if you fly alone you will just have to pay for the excess baggage, but you can bill those charges back to the client. I would rather go thru the hassle of bringing my own gear instead of getting to the location and using a junky rental rig or having to rent 2 more in order to build one that works.






In november I have a chance to work in Ukraine . My complete steadicam consists of 6 cases and 130 kilos in total . Russian and Ukraine aerolines have only 20 kilo maximum on each checked piece . (!) :blink: And I flied without any groop ...

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Yeah Brad,

It is the Pounds not US$ thing that got me as well, I guess that whomever the operators are they really want the job for themselves, unfortunatley for them this director will only work with me and even with flying me over it still works out cheaper than that. The director had a piont that I should move over to Seoul and open up shop, very good piont a few days work at those rates would set me up for a month or two. Even some of the L.A. masters should be over the moon with these rates US$ 6000 for kit rental per day aint bad however I don't think the beaches are as nice. How good would you have to be in the real world to comand these rates? The equipment must be a PRO but with gold plating.I just can now only hope that the bagage handlers are honest and gentle and not into thieving anything shiny and expensive looking. I will just have to stuff all I can into my pelli 1650 check the insurance and hope for the best. Just had the house broken into last week and lost 2 Marins so you might understand I don't want to risk another thieft.


Yuri, Rob.

there must be a few rental rigs in Japan which is close by, maybe i could get one sent over for a few days. Do you think this is likley and if so do you know any one who could do this?

I appreciate the input guys keep it coming.


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Yeah Brad,

It is the Pounds not US$ thing that got me as well, I guess that whomever the operators are they really want the job for themselves, unfortunatley for them this director will only work with me and even with flying me over it still works out cheaper than that. The director had a piont that I should move over to Seoul and open up shop, very good piont a few days work at those rates would set me up for a month or two. Even some of the L.A. masters should be over the moon with these rates US$ 6000 for kit rental per day aint bad however I don't think the beaches are as nice. How good would you have to be in the real world to comand these rates? The equipment must be a PRO but with gold plating.I just can now only hope that the bagage handlers are honest and gentle and not into thieving anything shiny and expensive looking. I will just have to stuff all I can into my pelli 1650 check the insurance and hope for the best. Just had the house broken into last week and lost 2 Marins so you might understand I don't want to risk another thieft.


Yuri, Rob.

there must be a few rental rigs in Japan which is close by, maybe i could get one sent over for a few days. Do you think this is likley and if so do you know any one who could do this?

I appreciate the input guys keep it coming.


Sorry my bad, that should have read US$3000 per day not $6000.

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Hi David,


Maybe try ProCam Inc., Seoul: Tel: +82-2-555-5795; Fax: +82-2-555-5794.


They might not have a rig there, but Sanwa equipment rental in Tokyo should be able to ship it to Seoul since they are same company (I think....) Sanwa has MK-V, Provid, and others....


Even if Sanwa does shipping, there is no guaranty that those rigs will be available.


Give ProCam, Seoul a call and find out.


Don't know how much they'll charge though....


I Still think, if you can, you should take your own equipment.... will you have time to check out the rig? also, cables can be a big problem!


I hope this helps


With regards to the rate 1500 UKP ?? Maybe those operators are well seasoned and well respected there in Korea so may that's why.....? or may be they have 1 or 2 back up equipment.


Korea is not a cheap city! infact it's the 2nd or 3rd most expensive city to live in. Tokyo is not that bad :) London is expensive.... :(


Hope you get to have a nice spicy food

Best regards




P.S. Are you shooting a film?

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In the past by talking to the airline PR people a few weeks out from the gig I have been able to get them to arrange a deal on excess baggage, one airline waving it altogether. Also business class and club members usually have a higher baggage allowance and are more likely to let some slide although since 9/11airlines are using the tighter security as an excuse to screw us on every kg.



Expensive or not, I miss London...

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Thanks for all the response dudes.

I have managed to make a few calls and thanks to Yuris' pionters I managed to find a local operator with a 5 yr old PRO rig and bartech for about US$350 per day. That sounds a bit more like it! Should be interesting as I haven't used PRO before so I look forward to checking it out. What is a 5 yr old Pro gonna look like? It was either that or a CP 3a I would be curious to give that a fly as well but I think the PRO has to be the more reliable bet.


Thanks again to everyone who chimed in.


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Thanks for all the response dudes.

I have managed to make a few calls and thanks to Yuris' pionters I managed to find a local operator with a 5 yr old PRO rig and bartech for about US$350 per day. That sounds a bit more like it! Should be interesting as I haven't used PRO before so I look forward to checking it out. What is a 5 yr old Pro gonna look like? It was either that or a CP 3a I would be curious to give that a fly as well but I think the PRO has to be the more reliable bet.


Thanks again to everyone who chimed in.


A Pro rig and focus system should be renting for a $1000.00 US a day Minimum

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well then, Talk about your amazing race stylee the whole week was a blur. 10hrs to Dubai, 8 hr stop over, 10 hrs more to Seoul, 6hs sleep 18hrs on set 6 hrs sleep 18 hrs more on set, wrap party finished 5 am then 30hr return flight ( The direct flight London-Seoul is just 11.5 hrs but why do that when you can save a few bucks). Eventually I had to hire locally as my monitor won't do ntsc so we got a Satchler EFP, lovely sweet little rig to fly but watch those circuit breakers, nice comfortable vest though it is hard, nay almost impossible to put on and adjust by yourself I wasn't able to get a proper fit till 2nd day when the local rep turned up and showed me how after that though it was very cosy suportive and snug, the arm weighs aprox a ton but is quite a sweet thing when tuned, nice sled but the switch layout is confusing to say the least. Its always good to use other kit I think as it gives us a new perspective on our own choices.

Thanks again guys for all the help.


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