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PRO I Monitor and Digital Level Problem

Chris Flurry

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I recently Purchased a Used PRO I sled and am having two Problems with it, both seemingly minor and Both related to the monitor. It is an all Original PRO I with the chocolate bar batteries.


First and Most Irksome:

If I use a battery that is fresh off the charger or above about 14 V the monitor powers up but does not come into focus. The Picture is somewhat enlarged or zoomed in and out of focus.

Not too big a problem as I can always swap it with another lower volt battery but it could lead to a situation where all batteries are charged and I have no battery to power the monitor. Is this common to this model of monitor? Is there an easy fix?



I was practicing the other day and the digital Level seemed to get stuck. It would not move, the three horizontal lines just sat there off to the left. I was not sure if this was related to my earlier problem or if It was was indicative of a problem with my digital level.


Not Planing on doing any work with it any time soon as I have a lot of Practicing to do and Many More things to buy; However, I would like anyones feedback as I want to be prepared when the time comes to work.


Thank You,

Chris Flurry

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With the blurry/out of focus problem, try turning the brightness and contrast all the way down and then gradually turning it up (that may or may not be the issue). If that doesnt work, just call PRO and say you have a tecnical question, they can probably put a finger on the exact issue.


I never used my level sensor so I'm not sure about that one.



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Thank You for the suggestion Mike,


I tried what you recommended and here are my observations. Most of the time as soon as I turned the brightness all the way down the problem was solved. The Picture "fixed" itself. I could then turn the brightness back up with no problem. However on some occasions (when the battery was really hot) this only caused the picture to "zoom out" a little bit but was still out of focus and I was still not seeing the full image. So along the lines of your suggestion I tried manipulating the other controls and what fixed it every time was toggling the 2:1 de-squeeze switch into the squeeze position and then back again. So, now I guess My question is, What next? Should I send this into PRO?, will it get worse with time? or Should I just Live with it?



Chris Flurry

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I had a similar issue with my first pro and while im sure they could fix it at pro, I'd probably leave it unless it gets worse. I think what I used to do was turn my brightness and contrast all the way off, then power up the monitor and then bring them back up to normal levels. I don't recall it ever being much of an issue.


Again, my level of tecnical knoweldge is about -10. Everybody at PRO is super, super cool and I'm sure they would be happy to give you their 2 cents over the phone.





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