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Next Generation Handsfree

Erwin Landau

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Hi Jon,


I only have the x2 tyres at present, so can't answer your question. I'll be getting the i2 ones, then maybe the turf tyres too. The x2 tyres are fine for indoors, they are just wider, so you are limited to wider doorways. You can pump them up a little so they ride on the central rim, and are nice and quiet; but whether this is a good idea or not for other reasons, I don't know.


A helmet indeed. I probably should, but it feels safer than riding a bike. I'll get a helmet for when I'm working around something that could run into me.





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A helmet indeed. I probably should, but it feels safer than riding a bike. I'll get a helmet for when I'm working around something that could run into me.

Good to hear that it feels safer than riding bike. Of course on a bike there are no electronics that can fail causing you to do a face plant. Not that this is likely, I just wonder if it will begin to happen when these toys get a bit older. I have been told there are some safeguards in place for this, so as long as there isn't some sort of total system failure it probably wouldn't be a problem. They are thankfully extremely simple devices (despite what the marketing says).



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Hi Jess,


I don't know the details, but it's got redundant systems that switch the machine off if there is any disagreement between them about what is going on. When this happens, it goes into an auto-shutdown routine that shakes the control post, bleeps like crazy, ands slows quickly to a stop. You can instigate this from the controller to see how it feels, if you like. Of course someone will fall off eventually. People fall off things; but my best friend, Nelys, who can't ride a bike without face-planting, was unconcernedly catching air on the HF last week jumping kerbs. Nuff said.


Shiny side up!



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I haven't posted in a long long time.... But here I am.

I have been using my Handsfree for almost two years now, and all I can say is that I love this thing. Its the best tool I have ever added to my kit.

I rode through every kind of terrain and speed and never had a problem with the pedal version. Forward, Reverse, full speed, creeping, all you can think of. There are some videos on my website of me going downhill and uphill on a very remote village (scary ground even for walking) never had a problem. My only problem has been with the segway itself, not the Handsfree module or Walter's HM, Both are extremely reliable and solid.

In my experience with this machines, when you go on uneven terrain, your body shifts side to side a lot so by using pressure on both pedals makes you stable, so steering is about lifting your foot much more than pressing on the pedal itself, this gives, me at least, much more confidence. I don't know how you would avoid accidentally steering with this new version since this side to side effect happened on rough terrain. Reinhard is a very clever person so Im sure he knows about this.

Im selling my handsfree module and Walter's Hardmount because I don't operate as much and I've had it sending my Segway to the US every-time something happens with the base... its brand new style, no use......

Its the best tool, if it would be priced lower, I would have a fleet...



Matias Mesa


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Hi Matias,


The leanie has software that differentiates between steering and uneven ground. You can barrel along in a straight line, both wheels bouncing all over the place, and you remain upright relative to the ground. When riding along an incline, or with one wheel on the kerb, you stand upright, and the machine goes straight. I find that on the pedal version, the fixed steering column pushes you off balance.


Steering is easier too. You don't have to think about pedals, you just turn your body, from the knees up, in the direction you want to go.



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Hi Chris


As you seems to be the segway specialist i have some questions as i get more intressed by the day.

Is it so that you can convert any segway to the steadicam model? Refering to the for sale ad of the segway stuff.


Do you find it easy to let production pay for the extra? Or is it just a toy for you and the will not pay for your exclusive toy.


Did you try the step on/off in this never version? I ask this becose i found it hard to step on with a rig and shuffle to the pedals without touching them to hard.


I saw your demo true amsterdam, very nice. Looked so easy, but i am sure it isnt.


Anyway, thx for your reply



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Hi Job,


I think you can convert any 2G Segway model, though I believe the x2 is the best to begin from. Reinhard should be able to supply you with the kit to convert an i2 as well.


I charge a flat rate. I don't bill extra for the HF, or for anything else, but I imagine that most people do.


For steps on/off, see earlier in this thread. It's different from the pedal version. I'd say it's a lot easier.


Thx for the compliment! The HF either suits you or not. If it does, then shots like that are easy.


Good luck!



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As someone who just went through this. You can purchase any gen 2 segway. Then buy the lean control and the hardmount from Reinhard. I don't believe that Walters HM will work with the gen 2. Call and ask him. Walter is an open book.


I went with Reinhard's harmount because of how much you can adjust the harmount; in/out, foward/back, up/down.


The x2 is the way to go. You can put the i2 wheels and the turf wheel on the x2 without any problem. The i2's software doesn't like the x2 wheels.


The otherthing that I've found is this. Having the monitor as far out as possible has been ideal. I'm actually going to get 18'' carbon fiber rods. I find its best for viewing the monitor and controlling the handsfree.


As for rental. I haven't come to a conclusion yet. I think I'm just going to add it onto my rate and it comes with. Producers have gotten more and more nickel and dime. But we'll see its not in stone.


I guess this is my coming out party. As I have the first lean control handfree in NY (according to Reinhard). If it works out I may also rent it out to other ops. I've order a 2'' hitch for my legacy (on backorder) I have the seghauler so once its all in place if any other NY ops want to give it a go let me know.

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Maybe you are right and its a matter of software that will recognize the difference between turning and shaking.

I haven't used the new version of the HF with the i2, bit hope to do it soon.

as far as charging for it, I don't. I add it to my package and charge a high flat rate for it. I've used it every single day for the past two years, on every single commercial or feature, at least on one shot. We as specialist are usually the only person that knows when to use each tool. If you let the producers decide, you are fu.... On the last feature, the LP didn't want to add it to the list of equipment that we would have on the truck, so I ended up not giving him a great discount on the package and added the HF to the kit. I used it a lot, I mean a lot, beach walk and talk, running shots, fast walks with light booms mounted on the HF, etc. If I had let the LP decide for me, I would have been stucked with out the propper tools. I love the HF and it made my life a lot easier over the past years. get a Higher flat rate and add this, its a great selling tool, people love to have it on set, and if you do commercials, let the DP, the Director, agency, client take it for a spin. They will love you and call you next time. I had it happen many times "hey, there is this guy that had this machine and he operates steadicam from this strange segway, give him a call" I got so many jobs because of the Handsfree.

Hope to try the new version, at least for fun..

Best to all



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Just got done with a day of work. Shooting long 100-500 yard running shots, tracking and leading. The grass was long, production told the town they liked th high grass. The ground has holes and pits and would have been extremely fatiguing and an leg ingury waiting to happen. The sun was hot and strong.


I shot take after take no problem for 3 hours. If I ran it I never would have been able to get them the number of takes I did. Or at a consistant quality.


The guy with the huge smile is the director. I guess he was happy.







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