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tips for car shooting with no car mount

Matteo Quagliano

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He said maybe in the future. Why be patient when I can take 3 times as long and spend 10 times as much money making my own? ;-)


If the price was right I might consider buying one, but unfortunately it wouldn't work with my current arm due to its non standard connection. I am actually thinking that I might want to make something to work with my current arm (old actioncam) because then it will give me a complete unit when I buy a new arm.


Back to our off topic discussion. Mike, when do you feel that the Hypercam is a better choice than using your sled and vise versa? How often do you still use you sled for vehicle mount shots?



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Never ever use my sled when shooting cars/bikes/motercycles/anything moving.


I am making a new one and if I'm happy with it I'll have them make more. But I'm also happy to give you all the beta, as I said, it's a pretty low tec piece of gear. Basically, a ball and socket (the current version uses a 1" craftsmen and the new one is custom) welded to a plate with handles. Industrial grade hose goes over the ball and socket to provide some resistance. It's mostly about figuring out the angles to attach the grips, where to put the center post, where to put the holes, how long to make the post, how thick the hose should be, how big the plate should be, et........... Then you just need to figure out how to attach yourself to the vehicle and comfortably operate the rig.


Give me a few days and I'll post a picture of the new one.




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