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Problem with Fox and FMG 6

Mike Marriage

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Hi guys,


When I power up my Fox, the FMG 6 just starts spinning and won't stop - makes no difference if you press the calibrate button once or twice etc.


I've swapped cables and had them tested - all fine. The problem started on set and I swapped cables and it started to behave. Since then, it appears to have become a continuous rather than intermittent problem.


So 2 questions really:


1) Any ideas what the fault is? Is it likely to be in the motor or the receiver/amp?

2) Is there anyone in the UK you guys can recommend to take a look a it?


Many thanks!


Mike "in the market for a Bartech" Marriage

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Hi Mike


Check your cables first, a broken feedback pot core in the cable will do that.


Thanks guys,


I have had both cables checked and they were okay. I don't know if anyone would let me test it on their system so I can figure out whether the motor or receiver is at fault? I'm in London on Monday if anyone is feeling bored??

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